Well folks, we have had our first meeting of 2014 and gained the help of some additional volunteers. Thank you to everyone that attended. We removed three nest boxes from our one site due limited success of Bluebird nesting; House wrens continually overran the boxes . Do not worry though, because we added a nest box at a local senior center. We hope the environment will be idea for prospective bluebirds.
We also relocated some boxes that were not performing well, possibly due to human traffic and interference. Remember that you should not disturb or harm actively nesting birds, state and federal laws protect most species. If you see something suspicious or notice damage to a nest box, please contact us. The Clarence Bluebird Trail will be in the process of marking our currently monitored boxes with our information, but even if it is not marked, we still may be able to help.
Our eager volunteers made multiple visits to our nest boxes this week, even with the dreary weather. It turns out the birds were also eager to get started. We already have five Bluebird nests in the boxes, one with five eggs. We will continue to monitor our boxes and keep you updated with the information.
We are always looking for more volunteers, so please do not hesitate to contact us.