The winter has been rough this year, but the Bluebirds are still around. The Eastern Bluebirds don’t always leave the area for warmer pastures. If they can find sources of food, shelter, and water, they will chill out in your back yard.
One of our volunteers sent these photos from his home. As you can see, this Bluebird was taking advantage of the bounty still on the branches of this ornamental pear.

Bluebird Eating In Bush From Above © John Benzee

Bluebird Eating In Bush © John Benzee

Bluebird In Bush Cocking Head © John Benzee

Bluebird On Snowy Branch © John Benzee
If you would like to have Bluebirds winter over in your area, consider planting berry-bearing trees and shrubs, such as Highbush Cranberry, Holly, Sumac, Flowering Dogwood, and Hawthorns to name a few. They will find shelter in many evergreens or empty nest boxes and roosting boxes.
Consider adding some of these elements to your yard, and you may just find a little blue to brighten up your winter days.