Tree Swallows Ready to Leave the Nest

Tree Swallows Ready to Leave the Nest

When checking nest boxes during the breeding season, caution is essential. We don’t want to stress the adults while they are laying eggs or feeding their young. As the chicks grow, we can count them, determine their approximate age, and address any issues...
Our 2022 Spring Meeting

Our 2022 Spring Meeting

Calling all volunteers! Suppose you’re a Niagara or Northern Erie County resident and are interested in helping out with Bluebird nestbox maintenance, data collection, or even learning more about our organization. In that case, we have our spring meeting on...
Our 2022 Spring Meeting

2019 Year End Meeting

Our annual end of the year meeting is scheduled. We kindly ask all volunteers to join us for this event. Date: November 1, 2019 Time: 10-11 AM Location: Zion Lutheran Church, 9535 Clarence Center Rd, Clarence Center, NY 14032. We will review our current stats and how...
2019 Year End Results

2019 Year End Results

It’s that time of year again—the leaves are changing, the days are getting shorter, and there’s a chill in the air. The Bluebirds recognize when summer is over, and nesting comes to a halt. Our volunteers finish cleaning out the nest boxes and make repairs...
Bluebirds in the Snow

Bluebirds in the Snow

The winter has been rough this year, but the Bluebirds are still around. The Eastern Bluebirds don’t always leave the area for warmer pastures. If they can find sources of food, shelter, and water, they will chill out in your back yard. One of our volunteers...
Spring Preparation and 2018 Meeting

Spring Preparation and 2018 Meeting

Bluebird nestbox in winter. Photo by A. T. Baron We still have snow on the ground, but The Clarence Bluebird Trail is getting ready for spring. I spent a sunny but chilly afternoon checking all of our nest boxes for winter damage. Some of our boxes were easily...